From: Calvin from Simplero <>
Subject: Simplero News: What's In Your Head?

Simplero News: What's In Your Head?

Ciao Lovely Simplerista

I've gotten some really great questions recently, and I've answered two of them in video form. I'm sure you can relate to both of them, no matter where you are on your journey. I know I can.

The first is from Jane who's feeling the overwhelm of doing something new, she's never done before. Where do you start, how do you organize yourself, how do you achieve what you set out to achieve? What do you focus on first?


The second goes deeper, into how our thoughts and our minds stop us from achieving what we want to achieve. I certainly know this one.J

Anne asks: "I have to admit that I'm thinking: How can I do this? Does anyone need what I have to offer? I really want to help people and be my own boss. I guess my mind and thoughts are stopping me."

Does that ring a bell with anyone? Perhaps you've never experienced that, or you've overcome this when it comes to one area of your life, but not others. I'm sure there are still areas where your mind and your thoughts are stopping you.

Watch the video to see my response.


I hope you find the answers useful. Please share your thoughts in the comments, and keep sending me your questions.

brownie-bar-normal.jpgAre You Using 1-Click Upsells?

Have you utilized Simplero's "1-Click Upsell" feature?

The 1-click upsell feature is one of the easiest things that you can set up during a launch, that will work to make you money, without you working any harder!

The great thing about upsells, are that you are able to continue to add upsell offers if you want, based on if the customer says yes or no to the offer. To add these additional offers select the red "Add another upsell" or "Add another downsell" button next to the Thumbs up or down within the offer.

Because you are in charge of your program and know your clients the best, you choose and decide how many up or downsells the user is offered.

Want to see how upsells could work for you? Read the full guide and watch the video here.

Show Us Your Spaces & Landing Pages!

We are looking for beautiful Spaces & Landing Pages to be featured on our help site to show new users what can be done. Drop Sherrie a note with your Simplero account name + a link to either or both at

Bare Naked Bravery Interview

calvin-bare-naked-bravery-normal.pngEmily Ann Peterson is a kindred spirit for sure. Here's what she wrote about the interview she did with me:

Calvin Correli is a world-traveler, musician, software developer, and spiritual entrepreneur (and a lot more too.) Some of the things he does don't seemingly "go together" right? Spirituality? Software Development? Come on...

So that's exactly what we discuss: how do we bravely combine two things that don't obviously go together? How can we break tradition, break the mold, and bust up standards without completely alienating people? If you're a fellow "human venn diagram" then you'll really appreciate what Calvin and I chat about on Bare Naked Bravery this week.

Here's her show on iTunes.

Maturepreneurial Interview

I enjoyed talking with Elaine Benoit on her show, The Maturepreneurial (yeah, I'm a grown man now). We talked about my interest in coding as a young boy and how I started as an entrepreneur.  I also shared about my spiritual journey to finding my passion and creating Simplero and focusing on giving great customer service.   We also talked about my personal and spiritual growth  over the past year and how that has shaped The Calvin Show!  You can catch my interview with Elaine Benoit on the Mature Preneurial (iTunes)

chandelier-shadows-normal.jpgRandom Links from around the Interwebs

A complete taxonomy of internet chum—you know, those boxes with links to bullshit articles that most online publications are peddling. Chum chum chum. An interesting read. We humans are so easy and predictable.

Men Without Work. I'm fascinated with this trend of men in their prime just dropping out of the work force and out of society in general. 10 million US men aged 25-54 have dropped out. Why? What are they doing? What does that mean for society? What can we do about it?

Designing the 2012 Obama campaign. I love great, thoughtful design, and this is a great story.

Be well, my friend! Till next week!

