From: Calvin from Simplero <>
Subject: News from Simplero: Occupying space

Check out the new preheader!

Hi ,

First off, thank you all for an incredible birthday celebration last week. We had a blast at the live webinar, and all throughout the week received so much outpouring of support and gratitude, it was hard to no blush. Thank you.

Something that's on my mind this week is fully occupying space. It's a weird phenomenon, but I can very much feel it. Let me explain.

The idea comes from Gay Hendricks' book The Big Leap, which I've just finished reading for probably the fourth time. In the second half of that book, he talks about his concept of Einstein Time. The idea is that our understanding of time is still stuck in the model of Newtonian physics, even though Einstein taught us that that model is essentially not correct.

In fact, that's the case with a lot of our thinking. The idea that there are separate objects that collide like billiard balls is just so persuasive, because it's what everything looks like at the surface when you don't look too carefully. And it's entirely practically applicable in many real-life situations, such as when you play billiards. In terms of time, that means that there's only a finite amount of time, and we get to slice it up into little chunks and choose what to do with it. Time is outside of us, and it's us against time, a race against the clock.

The realization behind Einstein time is that we are the source of time. Time is not out there, it's in here. We can create as much of it as we want to. How so? Because time and space are related. Specifically, when we fully occupy space, time expands to contain everything it needs to.

When you're doing something you don't want to do, or you're experiencing pain, you try to shrink away from the experience, withdrawing your awareness away from your edge and into your center, and it feels like time is going very very slowly. When you're doing something you love, you let your awareness expand to take up all of your body and try to take in as much as possible of the present moment. Time disappears. It flies by, and we don't think of it, because we're just present, right here.

As I understand it, the point is that when you let your awareness expand toward your periphery, time flows, and you find yourself having plenty of time for the important things: Creativity and intimacy. You'll never have enough time to do all the things you don't really want to do. So let's focus on doing the things you really do want to do, and trust that everything works out.

And that expansion of awareness throughout my entire body is exactly what I've been playing around with these past couple of days, and it feels really amazing. Many times throughout the day, while driving or writing or thinking or cooking or eating or speaking to someone, I've taken a moment to breathe, relax, and allow my awareness to take up all of my space, and even expand outwards beyond the boundary of my body.

I find that this simple move really helps me be present, to be right here in this moment, focused on what I'm doing, rather than up in my head, stressing, rushing. Expanding instead of contracting. And most of all, being right here, right now.

Try it, and let me know what you experience! 

Lots of love,

Fresh Interviews

Here is one of my latest interviews Michael Pashaon on his podcast Internet Ballers. I share how I developed my skills as a coder, how he got the idea for Simplero and how he was able to grow the company organically. List to our talk here. (iTunes)

Did You Know You Could Do This? 

For those of you who are just starting to build lists and even for those of you who have been with Simplero a long time, here are some times to make your life simpler and easier.

Most businesses will want to have one main email list that they send regular newsletters to. In Simplero, this will be the list marked with a little house next to it. The house list, we call it affectionately.

Of course, if you have multiple distinct audiences, you might have several main lists. That's fine. In that case, make sure you have a clear understanding of which list is intended for which audience.

There'll still be one that Simplero considers your House List.


You'll usually also want to have any number of sublists. These are great for campaigns, events, webinars, special auto-responder sequences, freebies, or special interests.

Just create a list, have people opt in to it, and setup whatever content they're supposed to get.

Give all your lists a meaningful name, because your customers will see this, which will help them determine what they want to be subscribed to, and what they don't want to be subscribed to anymore.

Getting a Sublist Into Your Main List   

Typically you'll want to have your subscribers on your sublists also get on your main newsletter. There are two main ways to accomplish this, depending on the situation. 

For campaigns, typically you'll want to wait until the campaign is over before you add them to your main list. In that case, when the campaign's over, go to your main list, click Add Subscribers, From a list or product, and then choose the sublist to copy from.

For evergreen funnels or special offers, you'll typically want to add them to your main list right away. In this case, the easiest way is just to set up a trigger on the sublist that also adds them to the main list. Easy peasy.

When You're Done With a Sublist

Just  click the little star next to the list on the overview, and we'll hide it from then on. It's not too hard to find, but at least it won't clutter up your main list screen anymore.

Adding Contacts

But what about all those people who have purchased from you previously or have already opted int to sublists but are not currently on your main list.  Don't worry! All is not lost. You can still segment your list and then add all current contacts to your main newsletter list that may be missing!    
{Find the guide on Segments here}

We want to make sure that your newsletter is reaching all of your hard earned contacts!

Calvin's Random Links from around the Interwebs

I love this clip from The Newsroom. It was a great show, and this is the kind of stuff that Aaron Sorkin pulls that makes my tear canals clog.

One guy ended up stopping the whole malware attack that happened last week, an attack that was a fairly predictable consequence of the NSA hoarding security vulnerabilities instead of getting them patched.

And now for The Good News!

That's it for this week. Enjoy!

–Team Simplero

