From: Calvin from Simplero <>
Subject: News from Simplero: Why Things Are the Way They Are, and Tracking inside Spaces

Dear Lovely Simplerista

I can't help but look around me and wonder how things came to be the way they are, and why they're still that way. You know, like that thing about how the size of our cars today are predicated on the dimensions of the gates to the cities during the roman empire.

There are things that are due to science and physics. And then there are things that ended up that way just because it was more or less arbitrarily chosen by someone at some point, and we're still stuck with it. QWERTY is such an example. Our dependence on oil another. Public transit. Tax systems. What we eat. Property rights. Intellectual property rights. Democracy and governance.

All of these things and so many others are not given. We can create our reality pretty much any way we want. Why did we make it this way? Why do we keep it this way? If we were starting over, knowing what we collectively know today, how would we do it? What would our best effort design of these things be?

I don't have the answer. But it's the kind of thing my mind is always wondering about.

The world is so amazing. Our possibilities as individuals, and especially as a species, are so limitless.

What would we most like to create today?

New Features in Simplero

We've started tracking some activity inside spaces. I know this has been a top request for a while, and it's happening. So far it's just page views and downloads. You'll see it in the activity log for the Contact.

Lots of minor fixes and tweaks too, as usual.

Random Links from around the Interwebs

Five insane ways to open a bottle of wine.

A bluetooth speaker and a light bulb. In one.

Lots of love,