From: Calvin from Simplero <>
Subject: News from Simplero: Thoughts, loving what is, merging contacts, importing tags

Dear Lovely Simplerista

The search for a COO is happening now. See the ad here, and apply following the directions if you think it's you. This is it, folks.

This past week, I've been on a high from rediscovering Byron Katie and her work. I first bought her book in 2007, almost 8 years ago. I loved it then, and yet it seems I managed to forget the essence of what she teaches. Thankfully I experienced her live at Wisdom 2.0 a few weeks ago, and that made me go read the book again. Since then I've been having a blast with it.

It's crazy to think about how much time I've spent thinking the world or other people should be different, when all it does is cause suffering in me. Some of the "spiritual" work I've done has also been a round-about way to try and change circumstances, so I wouldn't have to feel bad about it. "If I heal this in me, then the world outside will change". Well, maybe it will, maybe it won't. But let's start by realizing that it's not the thing I want to change that's causing the problem, but my thought that it should be different. The thought is causing the suffering. Not the thing. That's the key here.

When I worked with Gay Hendricks, he would challenge me to find all the unlovable things in me and around me, and love them anyway. Somehow I managed to find a loophole in there that would have me love things, but still not accept them. Brilliance! :)

For the past week, I've been noticing all the places where I'd normally go into reactive mode, and realized it's all because I have these ideas in my head about how things should and shouldn't be, and not least how other people should be. Letting go of that, and even accepting the opposite, that "they should be exactly the way they are" - it feels so good. The pleasurable feeling of being in alignment with reality. Makes me feel like I'm serving the higher good in some way.

So please accept my apologies if you've been on the receiving end of my non-acceptance. If we've ever interacted, there's a good chance you have. Oops! I'm sorry.

New Features in Simplero

You can now merge contacts. If you visit the page for a contact, you'll see a new section in the right sidebar that lists recently viewed contacts. This is what you need.

First visit the contact you don't want to keep. Then visit the contact you do want to keep. Find the first contact in the right sidebar, and click "Merge".

Beware that there's no undo here. If you merge contacts that aren't actually the same person, confusion is going to ensue. Use with caution.

Contact import - which is done by importing subscribers to a list - has gotten better. First, we're now able to understand names of countries and regions, instead of just their region codes ("US" for United States, and "NY" for New York). And if it's misspelled, we'll do our best to guess what you meant, too.

And we're now also able to import tags, if they're included in the uploaded CSV as a comma-separated string.

I've fixed a bug with headers that are "fit-to-width" on landing pages. As the screens got smaller, the font would suddenly get bigger, not smaller.

The admin page for an affiliate now also shows the individual charges that are attributed to that affiliate.

Random Links from around the Interwebs

Here's a recent blog post I wrote titled "It's not that hard". People seemed to like it.

Here's a "desire map' of each of the 50 United States, created by finding out what people are searching for that they want to know what costs. Fascinating.

And this is what it looks like when a balloon is popping under water.

Have a fantastic week.

With love,